- temperature probe
- датчик температуры
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
Temperature measurement — using modern scientific thermometers and temperature scales goes back at least as far as the early 18th century, when Gabriel Fahrenheit adapted a thermometer (switching to mercury) and a scale both developed by Ole Christensen Røemer. Fahrenheit … Wikipedia
Temperature examination — Taking a patient s temperature is an initial part of a full clinical examination.Core body temperature is normally carefully controlled within a narrow range so that essential enzymatic reactions can occur. Prolonged temperature elevation… … Wikipedia
probe — probeable, adj. prober, n. /prohb/, v., probed, probing, n. v.t. 1. to search into or examine thoroughly; question closely: to probe one s conscience. 2. to examine or explore with a probe. v.i. 3. to examine or explore with or as if with a probe … Universalium
probe — 1. noun /pɹəʊb,pɹoʊb/ a) Any of various medical instruments used to explore wounds, organs etc. They launched a probe into the cause of the accident. b) Something which penetrates something else, as though to explore; something which obtains… … Wiktionary
probe — i. A sensing device that extends into the airstream or gas stream for measuring pressure, velocity, or temperature. ii. In air refueling, a projecting pipelike device installation on the receiving aircraft that makes a connection with the drogue… … Aviation dictionary
Test probe — Typical passive oscilloscope probe being used for testing an integrated circuit. A test probe (test lead, test prod, or scope probe) is a physical device used to connect electronic test equipment to the device under test (DUT). They range from… … Wikipedia
Total air temperature — is a term used generally in aviation. In other applications it is called stagnation temperature. Total air temperature is measured by a specially designed temperature probe mounted on the surface of the aircraft. The probe is designed to bring… … Wikipedia
International Temperature Scale of 1990 — The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS 90) is an equipment calibration standard for making measurements on the Kelvin and Celsius temperature scales. ITS–90 is an approximation of the thermodynamic temperature scale that facilitates the … Wikipedia
air temperature — The various types of temperatures include: i. Indicated air temperature (IAT). The uncorrected reading from the free air temperature gauge. ii. Basic air temperature (BAT). The indicated air temperature corrected for instrument error. iii. True… … Aviation dictionary
Langmuir probe — A Langmuir probe is a device named after Nobel Prize winning physicist Irving Langmuir, used to determine the electron temperature, electron density, and electric potential of a plasma. It works by inserting one or more electrodes into a plasma,… … Wikipedia
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe — WMAP redirects here. WMAP may also refer to either radio station WXNC or WGSP FM. Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe General information NSSDC ID 2001 027A … Wikipedia